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You have a deep well of magic within you, and we want to help you see it, witness it and bring it forward in your life. 


Step Into Your Magic is a live guided 8 week course led by Stephanie Chinn with workshops, journaling and therapeutic art prompts, hypnotic meditations + workbooks created to guide you into healing and discovering where you are standing on the sidelines of your own life. You will leave this course knowing how to start showing up for your big beautiful life, and how to take up space, unapologetically. You are not too damaged to heal and our healing process can be joyful, playful and transformative. 

This course is perfect for you if notice yourself longing for your desire to love life, or yourself, but don't know where to begin.


We teach you how you can reach up and grab the life of your deepest dreams and desires - and the most beautiful part is you do not have to do it all alone. We will be there lifting you up alongside a group of like-minded individuals who are on the path alongside you. When we crave deep, internal change, nothing shifts us the way a supportive community of those cheering you on does. And we want you to know you are worthy of that.

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  • Those stuck in a rut and longing for freedom outside of it  (procrastination, perfectionism, fear, imposter syndrome etc...)

  • Those longing to develop a stronger relationship with themselves.

  • Those who desire to know what real joy and liberation feels like. Liberation from who we are told to be. 

  • Those who want to unpack the ways they have been told they are “not enough” and long for the tools to build the story that they are.​

  • Those who know that there is a better, more beautiful story for their life and are ready to dive into exploring that it in a safe, supportive space.​

  • Some part of you is getting in your way (ie. body image, shame, self-sabotage, self- forgiveness) + stopping you from pursing the life you desire.

  • Longing for calm healing + ready to heal your nervous system in the process.

  • Those longing for community and connection with people who they can safely explore and do the work alongside. 

  • Those who have hit a road-block in their talk-therapy journey.

We will help you:


✨ bring awareness to the stories you have on repeat that keep you stuck in self-sabotaging behavior

✨ develop a relationship with courage so you can dive in even when you're fearful

✨ work on self-narratives that no longer serve you and bringing in new ones that do (stop the loop of self-sabotage) and give you the tools to bring in supportive self-beliefs so you can experience freedom from them.

✨ help you navigate imposter syndrome (the feeling of not belonging) so you can find the job/career of your deepest desires and REALLY believe in yourself

✨ unpack where you may be holding shame stories in your body

✨ guide you into building sustainable confidence + listening to your intuition 

✨ Help you invite joy and play into your life.


Unlike other courses - we are not going to just throw affirmations or positive words at you and then send you on your way. We all know that isn't how lasting change works. We are going to dive into YOU, personally, see where you are at, where you get stuck and help you build new stories and steps for lasting change.


Tara testimonial
Summer testimonial
Iliana testimonial
Yaa testimonial
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Words from those who have taken Step Into Your Magic courses...

"I've read so many personal development books, and watched so many videos, and often the same ideas were coming up but never really sticking. I was fed up of always slipping quickly back into my old habits and feeling like I was wasting my time and money trying to change. Yet something about this course intrigued me enough to give it a go. The course was incredible - immediately I could tell I was somewhere I could open up and be vulnerable with a caring, honest group. Although we were all different, we all had similar motivations and empathy. The coursework helped many concepts I'd struggled with before suddenly make more sense, and the weekly online meetings were also a place where I gained further insights into my own experiences and learnt so much from everyone else's. My biggest takeaway from the course was a new awareness of the stories I am telling myself, and a renewed determination to not let anyone (including myself) dim my light. I'm in awe of the magical space they have created." 


-Nicole Taylor


Now, it's your turn.
To take up 
space and
no longer dim your light...

We also offer scholarships to those in the BIPOC or LGBTQ2S+ community! Email us for more info.

Cohort is currently closed.

Apply to be apart of the next cohort!

Let this be the year you dive deeper into you.

  • 8 LIVE zoom calls 

    • Sundays (weekly) Receive live, real-time support & guidance from the Step Into Your Magic team. Each call will be on the topic of the week and will not only leave you feeling informed and closer to yourself, but also refreshed for the week ahead. There will be a live Q+A where you can learn through other people’s questions, with the chance to ask your own. Time on Sundays will be based off what best works for everyone in program and we will provide a replay incase you miss it.


  • 8 weeks of course material including  workbooks, guided meditations, journaling prompts  etc., that are focused on discovering + unpacking the narratives we tell ourselves that are holding us back and  how to build new supportive ones so you can rediscover who you are and how to build the life of your dreams. Material is available to you for an entire year. So if you cannot join the lives, that is OKAY - you will still have access to Stephanie + all of the content for a year! 


  • On going community! You will have communication, support and a sisterhood throughout the course AND after the course. We want you to keep a community to keep you accountable during and after!  

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Meet your instructor...

I'm Stephanie Chinn
Best-selling author, illustrator and
trauma-informed therapeutic arts practitioner.

I spent most of my life in the shadows of my own life. Hiding myself. I really thought I wasn’t deserving of good things, my dreams (even when I didn't fully know what those dreams were). I know what it feels like to know there is more, but to not know where to start. I know what its like to FEEL it but not yet be able to see it. To believe I am too damaged to heal.


I thought there was something I was missing. And it was much deeper than just thinking that I didn’t LOOK the part. I thought I just didn't have "it."


I thought I somehow was just not as deserving as others. 


Until I started to courageously show up for myself, change the narrative and unapologetically start to run after what I wanted -even before it was actually clear what I wanted. And everything it took me to build myself up, change my narratives and change my life has been built into the program. This is a carefully curated course that meets you wherever you are on your journey. 

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